1. Play the traditional game of conkers! Remember all the tricks for making them harder? We used to soak them in vinegar, or bake them, but I’m not sure it made any difference! Gather some cousins and crown the winner!
2. Make a conker snake or caterpillar. Great for helping children with their number bonds to 10, as they can move the conkers up and down the string. Skewer or drill a hole in the conkers, then let the kids thread them onto string or pipe cleaners. Conkers are hard to stick things to, so we like the eyes that have peel back stickers, or try super glue.
3. Practice counting with conkers. Counting by using the conkers as the Numicon. We used conkers to practice number bonds of ten! Sort the conkers into a line from the smallest to largest, practising counting in 2’s and 5’s. The kids had great fun with the conkers and didn’t realise it had an underlying maths focus!
4. Paint with conkers. This is a bit like marble painting but with conkers! We got a baking tray, put a sheet of paper in the bottom, squirted different colours of paint in the tray and rolled the conkers around to make pretty conker pictures! Our acrylic paint was a bit too thick for the job, so we’d probably try a thinner paint next time. A great one for outside!
5. Conker games. Why not add a bit of fun into some traditional games with the use of conkers? Try Conker & Spoon race, or Conker Boules (place an object like a large stone and see who can get their conker the closest)
6. Conker puppet family. Act out one of your favourite stories with conker puppets.
7. Conker decorating. In our house, decorating conkers was like decorating eggs at Easter – glitter everywhere!!! There are lots of ways to decorate conkers, just crack open your craft box. You could also try conker printing with flat conkers.
8. Fend off spiders. Its the time of year when spiders make an appearance, apparently placing conkers around the house on windowsills keeps the spiders away.
9. Conker jewellery. Drill holes in them to make a necklace or bracelet.
10. Make conker animals. Let your child’s imagination run wild! Get out the craft box, playdough and autumnal materials like acorns, leaves sticks!
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