Staying cool this summer
How long have we been waiting for this – the sun has got his hat on and he is FINALLY coming out to play! After months of complaining about this long cold winter it’s now time for the real moaning to start, in the words of the early naughties rapper Nellie; “It’s gettin’ hot in ‘ere… ”
With temperatures set to soar over the next few days, here are five simple tips to help your little ones keep cool and hopefully get them to sleep in the hot weather.
1. Blinds/Curtains shut and windows open
My daughter was born in the middle of a heat wave. When we finally got her home at 8pm – our flat was a sweltering 31 degrees. Damn that sad face on the Gro-Egg Thermometer! If we’d just thought ahead – closed all the blinds to block the sun, and opened the windows to create a breeze we could have knocked a good few degrees off that thermometer – but I guess we were kind of busy! It’s what we did for the remainder of the heat wave and it worked a treat. Keep them closed all day if you can.
2. Freeze large bottles of water
Ice Ice baby (anyone else counting how many rap references I can shoe horn into this article?!). I’m talking 1-litre bottles plus, if you’ve got enough room in the freezer, freeze as many as you can! Place them in your little ones room overnight – it will help to cool the air as they melt.
3. Cool baths
A slightly cooler bath than usual just before bedtime should help refresh your baby – just a quick one though – don’t want them getting too chilly! This was another staple last summer in our household – my then nine-month-old spent most of her time in the tub on the really hot days.
4. Hang the washing out
Hanging damp towels or sheets in front of an open window will help bring down the room’s temperature.
5. Ice fans
Another firm favourite in our household. An electric fan on its own doesn’t really cut the mustard– generally just blowing the warm air around. But put a large bowl of ice in front of the fan and it will cool the air that circulates the room in no time!
Hope these tips help to keep your little ones cool this summer. Hang on in there and just remember, it’ll probably rain tomorrow!