Support and Services Halifax & Calderdale


Jubilee Family Hub – Breastfeeding Group

Friendly and supportive group for breastfeeding mums and their families.

Held in a relaxed setting, we have baby sensory play and peer supporters at the sessions.

  • Tuesdays at 12-1:30pm, Jubilee family hub on Lightowler road.

Breastfeeding Support Groups (Children’s Centres)

Relaxed and informal advice and support from the health visiting team. No appointment necessary.


  • Breastfeeding Friends Group, Wellholme Children’s Centre, 10-11.30am


  • Breastfeeding Group, Todmorden Children’s Centre, 10-11.30am

Breastfeeding Workshop for Parents-To-Be

For all pregnant women under the care of Calderdale and Huddersfield NHS Maternity Services.

This free two hour workshop focuses on breastfeeding as the optimum way of feeding a baby.

The session aims to help parents and babies to get breastfeeding off to the best possible start. Partners are most welcome, please book them a place.

The best time to attend is between weeks 34-36 of your pregnancy.

Book online at under Services, or call 0771 751 7563.

Calderdale Breastfeeding Support Network

Mums who are breastfeeding may, at times, need some extra help and support and that is where the Calderdale Breastfeeding Support Network can help.

The network is made up of women who have breastfed their own children and who work as volunteers alongside other health professionals to offer support to breastfeeding mums.

All Peer Supporters have received training and can offer information during pregnancy and friendly, non-judgemental support after baby’s birth.

A Peer Supporter can offer you:

  • Time in which to give any help you need with breastfeeding
  • Help in getting the baby latched on properly
  • More information about breastfeeding difficulties and how to overcome them
  • Telephone support to any breastfeeding woman
  • Social networking, befriending and contact with other breastfeeding women
  • Support at local breastfeeding groups
  • Support at Baby Café, Children’s Centre groups, antenatal clinics and hospitals.

Calderdale Breastfeeding Support Network: 07920 466660, or email [email protected]


Food Banks

If you need support with food, you can find out details of the local food banks, community kitchens and more here:


La Leche League

Friendly and effective mum-to-mum support for breastfeeding. You don’t have to be having problems to attend the monthly meetings – although they always get priority – bring your triumphs too and help support other mums!

Come if you’re pregnant or preparing for motherhood, a new mum, an experienced mum or a mum’s support person. Older siblings welcome.

£1 per meeting donation appreciated, and a snack to share wherever possible.

To confirm dates or if you have an issue that can’t wait, call Rebecca on 01706 433 712 or Ellen on 01422 844 314 or email [email protected]

La Leche League Calderdale. Machpelah House, Hebden Bridge. Last Friday of the month, 10am-12pm.


Weaning Support Group (Children’s Centres)

  • First Wednesday of the month at Boothtown Children’s Centre. 11am-12pm.
  • First Friday of the month at Jubilee Children’s Centre. 11.30am-12.30pm.

No need to book, just drop in!
